Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Protein pancakes

I made some AMAZING protein pancakes the other day and now I am officially obsessed! My husband begs me to make them all the time. Oh and I forgot to mention I had never made a pancake before let alone ate one, because I was convinced I would hate them for some reason. Well I love these and I could probably eat them everyday :)

1 scoop Advocare muscle gain 
1/3 cup whole wheat flour
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 egg white
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon baking powder 

Mix all the ingredients, then I add peanut butter chips and then cook like regular pancakes :)
I'm weird and like them best cold by themselves or I add fresh fruit; my husband eats them hot and with nothing on them. Some people like to add natural honey or natural peanut butter too! 

My husbands amazing results!!

I have officially completed my challenge and I am beyond happy with my results. I lost 6 pounds and 11 inches total. I lost my belly fat I wanted to and now I have added the elite performance line and am adding lean muscle. I will post some before and after pictures later this week! 

My husband on the other hand did this challenge to completely prove it wrong. He thought he was doing everything right, but still couldn't gain the weight he wanted to. He has an incredibly fast metabolism and had to eat a lot of food just to keep the weight he was at. He used to be a power lifter and was amazing at it, he went to worlds and got second in his age and weight group. He never could get above 125 lbs. I introduced him to the products and he was so skeptical to start, but to support me he decided he would learn more. He was more motivated when he heard more stories and started his 24 day challenge with some added products from the elite performance line.  To this day he is up 16 pounds of lean muscle and is so happy and full of energy. He has had a total body transformation, I can not wait to see where this takes him! 
He is truly a champion! 
Message or comment below if you want more details on how he got his results :) 

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Measurement chart

Here is a great tool to keep track of the inches and weight you have been losing! Don't be afraid of these measurements, use them as motivation to stick to your challenge. You will see a difference if you put the work in! 
Comment below or send me a private message on my advocare website for more details on the challenge! 

Day 4

So this morning I couldn't help myself....I weighed and measured myself. It isn't recommended to weigh and measure yourself again until day 11 but I have been feeling so great these last few days that I absolutely couldn't help myself! I am down 5 lbs and an inch in my belly, an inch around my hips, and half an inch on each thigh!!!! Can you say amazing, I am literally on the morning of day 4 with those results! My husband has been commenting that I look more toned, which as you know if my main goal! Not to mention my energy level is through the roof, I feel so great during all of my workouts and I never feel hungry. I have been getting in delicious meals and feeling satisfied with each meal.  It wasn't hard getting in my meals during work, I snuck away for a few minutes to eat and didn't never skipped a beat. 

Day 3 meals:
7:00 am

7:30 am
Fiber drink

10:00 am
Sunflower butter

1:00 pm

2:00 pm
(Work out)

4:00 pm

6:30 pm
Spinach salad
With cucumbers and tomatoes

8:30 pm
Tiny tablespoon sunflower butter

10:00 pm
Herbal cleanse tablets

I hope everyone has a great day! Remember to comment below to contact me about starting your challenge!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Day 1

I don't think I have ever been more excited about a package coming through FedEx, I literally was like a small child awaiting Santa. I immediately opened the box and read through everything.... five times. I was extra excited to try my new flavors of spark-and of coarse they didn't let me down!
So day 1 went really well; I was nervous with the cleanse.... I keep hearing that it's "gentle and uneventful" but who really is the judge of that? Well for me yes it was uneventful, and I've already taken my fiber this morning: still is "gentle and uneventful". So I started with my spark and my catalyst then I had breakfast and my fiber drink about half an hour later. The fiber drink tastes fine, the texture is what gets me at the end, but for being fiber not bad at all. I ate an apple, an egg, and quinoa; I didn't want anything complicated but I did want to be full and I was! I honestly hadn't gone grocery shopping yet and was waiting til nighttime to go to the store so I didn't have much variety as far as food went for the day. My mid morning snack was an apple and a spark :) My lunch again was an egg, quinoa, and corn. Then my afternoon snack was fresh blueberries. I had a couple catalyst then did a leg workout and I really felt an extra boost of energy within my workout! For dinner I didn't want to do ANOTHER egg so I did a meal replacement shake with my omegaplex. 
Finally I went to the grocery store, here are the basics of my list (mostly all organic)
Chicken breast
Tuna in water
Light dressing 

So finally I got home climbed into bed and took my cleanse tablets and was ready to sleep (still gentle and uneventful). I drank lots of water throughout the day, which is hard for me but I constantly kept my water bottle in sight. Now yesterday I had off but I do work today and I work a job that isn't the easiest to stay on schedule with breaks so I am going to have to work a little harder to stay on schedule. But overall so far I do see a big change in my energy and I feel like my stomach is a little tighter looking! 

As far as my goals go I don't have a specific weight I want to get to, because for me I have very muscular thighs that weigh a ton; by taking the catalyst I am helping in the preservation of my muscles. I know that muscle weighs more than fat and if I lost all my fat and I through my weight training gained muscle I still would be happy. I want to see a difference visibly and with a tape measure. I am like most girls out there and no matter what I do my "abs" are cushioned... Well I don't want the cushion anymore. I am a relatively small person but I have always been very self conscious about my stomach and my inner thighs; even with all the miles I used to run I never could get rid of it. I took pictures of all angles of my body and used a tape measure to measure all the points of my body I cared about and wrote them down. I had my husband hide the pictures on his phone because I was embarrassed to look at them. 
My goal: with the 24 day challenge I want to tighten up my stomach and thighs and have an overall more toned look all over my body. 
I would suggest for somebody trying to lose a specific amount of weight to write that down and I even saw on Pinterest neat ideas of keeping track I'll post a picture below! It's always good to write down your goals so you keep yourself accountable and it's a great reminder; for races I used to write my goal on every mirror in the house, it worked! 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Dare to Advocare

For those of you that have made it to my site you probably have some sort of interest in advocare, whether it be to lose fat, gain energy, or to financially be in a better place. Now your probably wondering whats different about advocare; there are a million different diets out there, a million different energy drinks, and a million ways to make money-why should you choose advocare? I could spout off to you plenty of facts that are truly facts, but can be found on any website or I could tell you my legitimate reasons I chose advocare.

My story:
Growing up I was an athlete, through college I ran cross country and track.... I was constantly working out; my body had enough once I graduated and I needed a break. I always have eaten pretty healthy but I do have a pretty big sweet tooth. Once my body regrouped I started to workout again, but in no way was I ready to do a 15 mile run again. I love working out and being fit but I was enjoying not having to do atleast 8 miles to get a real work out in. I missed being on a team and being part of something that was motivating to not only me but contagious to the people I was around. I also wanted to look healthier and lose fat, while also gaining energy because it felt like I was ALWAYS tired. Then I found advocare.... I am a big skeptic about diets and supplements but I figured I would hear it out.....I went to my first mixer and drank the kool-aid....okay well it was really spark, but if you have had a spark before you will know what I am talking about. I felt amazing!!! I went home and blathered on to my husband about how great the mixer was and cleaned the whole house top to bottom....he thought I went crazy. What I love about spark is that it isn't a jittery feeling its an energized, focused feeling. I love the fact that that chemically spark is amazing for my body and thats why I feel energized, its not unhealthy things making me feel energized. So first off spark is a main reason I love advocare... I have never felt more focused before (where was this when I was in college)!! Okay next I love the people, every single person I have met through advocare is so nice and happy... we need more happy people in the world. I figured if all these great people were on advocare products and they all vouched much of their happiness rooting from advocare I should give it a shot. Okay so I am a bit of a nerd when it comes to science... when I heard who the scientists were behind the products I figured advocare had to be pretty legit, with more research I fell in love with the products without even taking them. I looked chemically at the products and the science behind it; everything flows and makes sense. And for me like I said I have always been a big skeptic so once I heard who the UNPAID endorsers were I was a lot less skeptical, then I found out that advocare uses informed choice to really keep on top of the ingredients within the products; I think its so important for health companies to stay on top of their ingredients otherwise you end up with protein that is slowly tearing apart your body instead of helping. Last but not least I love that advocare promotes that it is a lifestyle changer, it is an elite nutritional company; I dont ever want to go on a diet and then gain the weight back that I just worked so hard to lose. I want to make that change in my life and have a real start to changing my life so with the 24 day challenge I was able to say on this day forward I am making a lifestyle change and am going to teach my body to burn fat and be more nutrionally fit. I want to share it with everyone I possibly can so that they can make a change in their life and become a healthier, happier, more energetic person. I looked through the testimonials,  I heard testimonials from real people and I thoroughly did my research and I found no reason not to take the chance. I want to be a part of a company that promotes a healthy lifestyle not crash dieting and limiting what I can eat. There is so much more to tell but I don't want to take your whole day....
so those are the main reasons I took the dare to advocare and signed up for the 24 day challenge!!